Angelia Vernon Menchan

Angelia Vernon Menchan is an author, publisher and public speaker who owns two publishing companies, MAMM Productions and Honorable Menchan Media. Mrs. Menchan is also a Budget Officer and former Job Corps Counselor. To date she has published twenty-three books of her own work, both fiction and non-fiction and more than eighty ebook novellas on You can access her bibliography on search words: Angelia Vernon Menchan

Contact information:
Phone numbers: 904 714 2272 904 303 2679

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Keepers

There have been a mass of folks who have come through my life...
Traveling around the world for twenty-plus years insured that...
What is cool though are the keepers...those folk that though you havent...
seen them in still keep in touch...remember their birthdays...and they remember yours...sometimes you will pick up the phone and call, though a couple years have passed or...
you pick up the phone and a voice from the past is their...
My friend Yvette is one of those people, I have not laid eyes on her since 1992...
But she is my girl....we communicate when we can and our conversations still shimmer with love and laughter...agreements and disagreements....yeah keepers are those you can agree to disagree with...
My friend Beverly is the same....we were best buddies in high school...two of those know-it all chicks....heads buried in books....
I went almost twenty-one years without seeing her...
But lay eyes on her a beautiful day in May, and it is though we were never apart....
I am also pretty good at telling the non-keepers....
There are those that you have a rapport with...
But you leave just enough room for a graceful exit...yours or theirs...
At first you seem to be on the same page...
But you know that once you don't agree with them...
Or support their agenda....
It will not be long before the phone stops ringing...
The mail goes unanswered....
I take that as a good thing, a learning thing...
Because in this short life....I want my world peopled with keepers....
Those who you can love, laugh and cry with...
And disagree to diagree with....
When you are done yelling, trying to make your point...
And listening to them yell trying to make theirs...
You can look at them....and burst out laughing at the absurdity and the audacity of...
The two of you...
May we all have a life blessed with Keepers....

Love and Blessings...


Gwyneth Bolton said...

I'll co-sign on that! I have some wonderful keeper friends myself. There's nothing like them. It amazes me the way we are able to pick up and laugh and talk as if we still live around the corner from one another or in the same city... Yep, love those keepers... :-)


Jennifer C. said...

I have a few keepers myself. I can argue, fust, and fight with them, but we never leave each other angry because we would just laugh at each other...they are my keepers.

True blessings in my life.

Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

That's it my sisters...we must keep the they Keep us...

Love and Blessings

Yasmin said...

here, here for the keepers!
hubby and I have a running joke that friends will help you bury the bodies...keepers will also. ;)

Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

Aint that the truth...

Love and Blessings


Cynthia said...

I know just what you mean by keepers. You are definitley one of my keepers. You defined it perfectly. Love ya...

Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

Thanks Cynthia,

Love you my sister...
