Angelia Vernon Menchan

Angelia Vernon Menchan is an author, publisher and public speaker who owns two publishing companies, MAMM Productions and Honorable Menchan Media. Mrs. Menchan is also a Budget Officer and former Job Corps Counselor. To date she has published twenty-three books of her own work, both fiction and non-fiction and more than eighty ebook novellas on You can access her bibliography on search words: Angelia Vernon Menchan

Contact information:
Phone numbers: 904 714 2272 904 303 2679

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Knowing how to talk to people is an art, it seems…
I have been told I have been gifted with it…
I have to somewhat disagree with that, I have learned it,
There was a time in my young life, when I just said it,
Without much thought to the impact,
I was ‘keeping it real’ before keeping it real was real,
But through growth and desire, I learned that many times a message,
Can be conveyed and can stick,
If it is delivered properly,
Many times in my office I am told,
‘I would never get away with saying that…’ or
“I said the same thing and they took it wrong…’
I am guessing that is because people can see your heart,
And gauge your intent and it is how one says a thing moreso than what is said,
Last night I was sitting in a meeting and I came away with the thought…
‘That really didn’t have to be said, and it surely didn’t have to be said, quite like that…’
But I got it, people are so bound up in who they are and in making sure they are ‘staying true’ to themselves that many times they come off wrong and no one gains anything from that…’
Later on they spend a lot of time, explaining and re-explaining what they meant,
And somehow it then rings hollow and untrue…
I have been chastised and corrected more than a few times in my life, for real...
And the lessons that have stuck with me were delivered by those who were honest,
Firm and fair,
Their intent was not to maim or destroy but to reach, teach and inform,
And even when I had to say, ‘Ouch’ I was appreciative,
My goal when talking to people I care about or who come to me for advice,
Is to give it to them as honestly and straight as I can,
But when they leave me I want them to walk away with their heads up,
Not bowed,
With the full knowledge that they can come back over and over again,
And that every time they will get it the same way,
Through my heart,
Past my lips,
To their ears,
Into their hearts…
That’s all I got…



Jennifer C. said...

This is so true. My younger sister called me a couple of weeks back and told me she needed some tough love. She said she knows I will give it to her straight with no hidden meaning. That is how I always give it; no syrup and no sugar. Straight with no chaser.

Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

I believe in straight no chaser, but I do tend to speak softly and strongly...


Lena said...

This was helpful to me, thank you!

Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

Thanks Ms. Lena,
where you been...


Shani Greene-Dowdell, Author, Playwright said...

I totally agree. A heartfelt meaningful message penetrates my head and heart everytime.

Thank you,

Dera Williams said...

Yes, we can all learn from this. I have been guilty of needing to say something to get my point across but maybe I should have held my tongue. Still learning.

Anonymous said...

Love your post about "It's How..."