Angelia Vernon Menchan

Angelia Vernon Menchan is an author, publisher and public speaker who owns two publishing companies, MAMM Productions and Honorable Menchan Media. Mrs. Menchan is also a Budget Officer and former Job Corps Counselor. To date she has published twenty-three books of her own work, both fiction and non-fiction and more than eighty ebook novellas on You can access her bibliography on search words: Angelia Vernon Menchan

Contact information:
Phone numbers: 904 714 2272 904 303 2679

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Books have always had the profoundest affect on my life,
Once I discovered I could read at age four,
It has been something that I have done daily,
As such I am a huge believer in giving and reading books to children,
I started reading to my boys in the womb,
And they were read to the whole of their childhoods,
And they received books of their own all the time,
Books in my house was like cookies in some homes,
Something to savor…
I gift books to the little ladies in my life,
Tamia, Agia, Madison and Laylah…
And my seven month old grandbaby has a growing library,
But there are other kids as well, who arent as fortunate...
There is a gas station/store near my home and I am in there at least two days a week,
I know all the women,
Many have bought and read my books,
They call me ‘Book Lady’ cool…
Well this one woman told me point blank she didn’t read,
Gasping for air…
But that her daughter did,
Breathing again,
So I asked her age and when she said fourteen,
I drove home and got a copy of my young adult book:
Is NO Not Clear Enough For You?
Within a day she was done…
Mama asked me if I had other books,
I said ‘Oh yeah’…and that I would bring them in on Friday,
Well Friday came and went and an Aging Diva forgot…
Last night after dinner I stopped in and as soon as I saw mama I remembered,
I hurried home and scooped up all the YA books I had,
Taking them too her,
I told my husband that even if I’d had to go to Walmart and purchase,
Books I would have,
Because one thing I know for sure is that reading opens so many doors,
And changes life,
Tot that I am a witness!
