Last night after my man and I came from a meeting,
He told me he felt a bit woozy,
At first I thought he was jesting,
Because we had sat for two hours in hard chairs and I had felt dizzy upon standing,
But as I lay next to him,
I felt his heart thump a bit faster,
And he was slightly warm and said he had a headache,
As I bolted from the room,
To the kitchen to get Tylenol and water it hit me,
This is my man,
This is the father of my children,
This is the person I have loved and been married to for over,
Thirty years,
The person I have weathered so many storms with,
And celebrated so many triumphs with,
The person that can give me a look,
That immediately says, ‘Pump the brakes baby, you acting up”
And I do,
But who at the same times causes my heart to melt and my stomach to,
Flutter after all these years,
He is my LOVE~
And I want and need him to be here with me,
Because there is so much that God has in store for us together,
And I made sure I told him that last night,
And again this morning,
And sometime during the day,
I will tell him again,
I love and APPRECIATE him~