Angelia Vernon Menchan

Angelia Vernon Menchan is an author, publisher and public speaker who owns two publishing companies, MAMM Productions and Honorable Menchan Media. Mrs. Menchan is also a Budget Officer and former Job Corps Counselor. To date she has published twenty-three books of her own work, both fiction and non-fiction and more than eighty ebook novellas on You can access her bibliography on search words: Angelia Vernon Menchan

Contact information:
Phone numbers: 904 714 2272 904 303 2679

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Getting the love you need...

One of the most frequent questions I get these days is…
“How do I get the love I need?”
Usually when I start talking to young sisters…
We cover education…
But before it is all said and done…
They always ask that…
They think I know…smiling and winking…
And I have a pretty simple answer…
To get the love you need…
Be prepared to give the love that is needed…
So many women moan to me about how…
They never get flowers, foot rubs or chocolate covered strawberries…
And I startle them by asking…
When was the last time you did something he likes…
And I don’t just mean sex…
I mean when was the last time…
You sat with him through an entire…
Football, basketball, track and field event or golf match…
If you can’t remember, it’s probably because it hadn’t happened…
And same breeds same…
The same is true with sex…
You will probably get all the foreplay and afterplay you can stand…
It occasionally you remember that sometimes he just wants to
****And then go to sleep…
I am telling you what I know…
So you heard it here first…
To get what you need…
You betta be willing to give…
What’s needed…
acVernon Menchan


Yasmin said...

To get the love you need…
Be prepared to give the love that is needed…

Sound and good words of wisdom! Tell it sista!

Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

Hey Lady Yasmin...

you know how I do...smiling...

Love and Blessings...

Gwyneth Bolton said...

Yes... This is so true. And I bet a lot of people need to be reminded of this. I know it's an easy one to forget sometimes... How did Lauryn say it... reciprocity... Yep... that's it! Thanks, sis!


Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

You're welcome Madame Gwyneth...
that's why i am here...smiling

Love and Blessings...

Jennifer C. said...

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Seems to me like this saying goes for all. Friends, strangers and even lovers. Keep teaching, because someone is listening.

Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

That is pretty much it baby...

Love and Blessings


Shai said...

Good post.

Angelia, sadly some don't recognize good love so it is hard for them to give or know how to receive it.

CapCity said...

THANK U, Sistah Angelia! U puts it DOWN!!!

Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

THANKS Shai and CapCity...

