I am all mentored out,
I am not getting out of the game, but I am changing the game,
And reevaluating what it is I have to give to the cause,
I guess mentoring is in my blood,
My grandmother had ten children of her own,
But she always found a way to feed and love others,
While providing spiritual guidance,
My mama was known as the place to go for good food,
And solid advice,
That was not only valuable but funny,
So, naturally mentoring is what I do,
Since fourth grade when I was teaching second graders to read, add and subtract,
I have been mentoring,
However, in the past couple of years I have gotten tired,
I have taken on in some cases grown women,
Who have already made decisions about their lives,
And as such, it seems my role became that of surrogate mother,
And I wasn’t needed so much as a mentor,
But as someone to cosign on the madness,
And I can’t do that,
Because to do that is a disservice to me,
And to them,
I know that I need to seek out younger mentees,
Young women who are at the age before,
They are convinced they already know,
And where there aren’t a gang of hidden agendas,
But first I want to revel in this new role of mine,
As grandmother, Nana,
I have this new baby who is the delight of my life,
She is new and open to being taught,
Spiritually and educationally,
And I intend to participate in that to the greatest extent possible,
Then I will go out again,
And get my mentor on,
But for now, I am gonna be Nana….
Go on and be the doting Nana. Things happen at the right time for the right reason; and it might be the time for you to put up your mentor hat for a bit. You know take a break from being the problem solver, or the advice giver. Simply put sit back and bask in love.
that is exactly the reason I love you so much, selflessness and understanding...
Be Blessed!
You go Nana. Do you!
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