Angelia Vernon Menchan

Angelia Vernon Menchan is an author, publisher and public speaker who owns two publishing companies, MAMM Productions and Honorable Menchan Media. Mrs. Menchan is also a Budget Officer and former Job Corps Counselor. To date she has published twenty-three books of her own work, both fiction and non-fiction and more than eighty ebook novellas on You can access her bibliography on search words: Angelia Vernon Menchan

Contact information:
Phone numbers: 904 714 2272 904 303 2679

Monday, October 5, 2009


There were some crazy things that went on at time in my childhood, but one thing for sure is I was taught some things by the women in my life, my mama, aunts, godmother and even teachers, made sure I knew how to handle myself and my business and what they were unable to provide they made sure that I had the literature to support it…amen,
As such I am so disheartened by what our young women aren’t being taught and don’t know,
Thanks to God, I have nieces, namely Charli and Kecia and their mamas knew what I knew and passed it on,
Now don’t think for a minute I am trying to imply that we can keep our girls from making mistakes…mistakes is what form us and strengthen us,
What I am talking about is this,
Reinforcing self-worth by telling them they can do and be anything and letting them know, that men bring great stuff to the table but to have one OR some of one does not in any way mean compromising who you are,
Don’t think for one minute that proving love means having sex before you are ready and it surely doesn’t mean having sex without benefit of protection and exposing yourself to HIV, HPV, cervical cancer and all the things out there,
Girls you are a treasure and do not allow anyone to convince you of any less,
And that man-sharing,
What the hell is that about?
Knowingly fooling around with a man who is married,
Knowing your man is with other women and condoning that mess,
Heck to the no, that is totally unacceptable,
And please, please, please don’t confuse love and sex,
Sex is totally incapable of doing the work of love,
And don’t allow anyone telling you that you can keep him with it,
Babies, that is the one thing that is errywhere and as easy to get as the common cold…
Not trying to be mean, just trying to help,
And there are other basics,
Like knowing your bodies,
It appalls and astonishes me that women think,
That menstruation and urine are passed from the same place.
Lord have mercy on us all…
We have got to teach, nurture and empower these children,
From the cradle,
They are getting mad educated but the ways in which they are compromising themselves is unacceptable,
Physically fighting and hating other women,
Over men who have moved on,
Supporting bad habits and compromising the safety of their children,
Totally unacceptable,
And put your best face forward,
Don’t just be cute outside when you are on the hunt,
Make yourself as lovely as possible just for you,
Lovely skin,
Healthy bodies,
Spiritual minds,
And loving self is GOOD MEDICINE for whatever ails you…
Sisters we are going to have to tell these girls who haven’t been told,
It is just the right thing to do!



Anonymous said...

Sister, I got this late but GIRL that was right on time I know so many that need to take heed this is one that you need to post on a flyer(smile) love ya

Dera Williams said...

You're preaching to the choir. This should be posted where the target audience will see it, like Media Take Out, LOL. I heard a young woman say that men are expected to cheat and I almost had a hernia. Where do they get that kind of thinking and acceptance?