Angelia Vernon Menchan

Angelia Vernon Menchan is an author, publisher and public speaker who owns two publishing companies, MAMM Productions and Honorable Menchan Media. Mrs. Menchan is also a Budget Officer and former Job Corps Counselor. To date she has published twenty-three books of her own work, both fiction and non-fiction and more than eighty ebook novellas on You can access her bibliography on search words: Angelia Vernon Menchan

Contact information:
Phone numbers: 904 714 2272 904 303 2679

Monday, June 8, 2009

When To Say When...

How much is enough?
I was thinking about that this weekend while reading several books that were parts of a saga and while working on a book that has recurring characters in it.
As a reader, I have read a lot of sagas over the years and I love them so long as there are new characters and wonderful back-stories,
And for those who don’t know, back-stories are the stories about the other characters in the beginning book, fully fleshed out…
As a writer, I’m not as sure,
When I wrote Brown’s Possession, book three of a trilogy I felt that I was done with the Black, Brown and Cinnamon triangle…though,
And here is the catchall,
My most fervent and faithful readers asked about them all the time,
Over and over again, as though they knew them.
So I added bits and pieces of them to other books,
But it didn’t seem to be enough,
So I sat down a few months ago and penned,
Mrs Black?
When I was done I wasn’t sure if I would even publish it,
It sat on my computer for months,
Then I fished it out to pre-readers,
Proofreaders and the message was loud and clear,
They wanted it published and then the question became,
When is the next one…
And when are you going to write a book about,
So I guess enough is enough when the readers don’t want to read about them,
Or when I run out of stories about them…

MRS. BLACK? Coming Soon!



Yasmin said...

Good question Angelia. I think authors sometimes run a fine line in trying to satisfy readers...I don't know what the magical number is...but for me with the exception of two authors...I now realize that I really don't do sequels and sagas I get bored very easily with storylines revolving around one character because it's like how much can that character do before it just becomes drama for drama sake...which is how I felt about a new release from one of my favorite authors. The storyline just didn't seem fresh to me...and I felt as thought the author was struggling to breathe life into the story and the character.
I think when an author realizes that they can no longer do justice by reading about the same characters...they need to move on...regardless of what readers say. Because at the end of the day...if it's not fresh...or it feels like a struggle...then readers will pick up on that as well...and some of us won't be as apt to pick up your next book. (Actually I'm glad the book I read was an ARC...because I would have been very disappointed if it was one I purchased for my personal library).

Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

I think it depends on how many readers are being considered, many, many authors do sequels and sagas and sell books in droves, in fact a very famous romance author tried to get away from the themes and lost readers...there are some sagas that I absolutely love and have been reading for years there are others after the first book I am done...I think the bottom line is the bottom line...meaning most authors are not going to start doing sequels or sagas until they stop making money...much like soap operas, people love continuing stories...


Yasmin said...

I think you hit on something...I'm not a big soap opera fan or TV watcher...hence why I probably don't do well with sagas/sequels...and yes the almighty dollar will always be the bottom long as someone is buying authors will continue to offer them.

Dera Williams said...

What's that song Lenny Kravitz sang, "It ain't over til it's over."

S.D. Denny said...

Interesting... I had no idea you'd done so much writing, Angelia! And you've given me something to think about here...many people have mentioned that they'd love to see a sequel to my novel. I'll consider these points when the time comes...

Angelia Vernon Menchan said...

sister I have been a writing machine...
