How often do we pick up the wrong thing or assume some thing because of how something is packaged…we have all been guilty of this…
For instance, most of us will see two bags on a table, one is pretty, shiny , large and has a huge, red bow…the other is a brown, crumpled paper bag, half the size of the other…most like if told we can have either one, we will take the big, pretty one…because the assumption is the bigger and prettier, the better…but sometimes, the big, pretty bag is filled with junk, pretty junk mind you but junk, non-the-less and the crumpled bag is crumbled because it is filled with such good stuff, it has been opened over and over again, just to enjoy the wonders inside…you know what I mean…
You see him across the room and he is so, foine…tall, dark, handsome, driving the best car, flossy…but after getting to know him, you can never account for where he is…missing in action…see, here is the thing, a lot of folk like big, pretty thangs and will share them with you…for real…
Now, the one who is unassuming, average looking, goes to work every day, can’t dribble a ball that well, gets no play, but he is known for his kindness, his willingness to put in work to make it work…but how will one ever know that if one can’t get past the brown bag thing…
On the flip side, we all know we have passed by a youngster who looks all thugged out, pants sagging, hair nappy according to our standards and we assume he is a bad boy….then one day by chance we are blessed with a conversation, and the young brother has got it going on, in college, working a job, no baby-mamas and so well-read it makes your eyes water…but of course if you can’t get past the cover of that book, you will never know…
Same with books…I hear so many people say ‘ooooo, I want to read that so bad, the cover is so, HOT…’ then later on you ask them how was it or what it was about and they shrug and have no answer…can’t even remember in some cases…because they were taken in by just another pretty package…
Now in no way am I implying that every pretty package is empty, oh no, not at all…most are filled with goodies…what I am saying is that we must sometimes, every now and then chose that less obvious thing and allow ourselves to be caught up in and taken away by, what is inside the packages, rather than being swept away by what it looks like it might be…