2009 is upon us and I am ready, I have never felt as optimistic and as relaxed as I do pending this year, so much happened last year, some crazy stuff and some amazing blessings...things that changed me, changed the way I relate to people and the way I write books...When I started out, I didn't know what I wanted to do, I just wanted to write, but as time passed and I listened to my heart, I knew I had to write something that meant something, even if only to me...because otherwise it was just words on paper.
I know that I did that with Is NO Not Clear Enough For You and most importantly with SCHAE'S STORY: A Woman's Transformation. They were both such challenges...
Last December it took three revisions to get Is NO to work...
This December it took four for SCHAE'S STORY and when I got my first printing just days before a signing I discovered the typesetting was wacky...but I did what I knew to do...I talked to my readers and offered them new books when I got the typesetting straight....but blessedly they looked at me like I was crazy....so many said, 'I read for your messages', many did not even know what I was talking about...what I knew was that even though I knew they had gotten what I was trying to impart...and it made me realize that with all the craziness and mishaps, I was on the right path!
With all the craziness, I have so much to do in 2009...I am booked through January to do signing, readings or some bookstuff...God is Good! and I realize that the old saying, 'If You Do What You Love, It Will Never Feel Like Work' is true...
So may prayers for all of you is to stay in PRAYER and to find what you love to do and do it.
Love and Blessings!